Fiche cheval gold gold baby

R5C9plathandicap 24480happy valley1200M208898wiltshire handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 14:50
12nordic dragonH41p0p0p8pbowman h./101:09
25california cibleH68p4p3p7pbadel a./11 l
39phoenix lightH64p0p5p4ppurton z./1encolure
411magic phoenixH60p(22)0p0p9pborges v./1tete
54lucky eightH53p1p8p2p4pde sousa s./1tete
66nicconi countyH55p8p2p6pavdulla b./13/4 l
77heroic masterH56p7p4p7pchadwick m./11/2 l
810act of faithH52p3p2p0p7pteetan k./1tete
93jumbo fortuneH54p5p9p(22)6pferraris l./11/2 l
108equaletta blitzH76p0p4p0p0phewitson l./11 l 1/2
111gold gold babyH60p1p0p1pho c.y./1cte tete
1212cobhfieldH55p9p6p8p5pbentley h./13 l 1/2

R6C9plathandicap 25578happy valley1200M208898shelley handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
14xponentialH82p2p3p(22)5phewitson l./101:09
212act of faithH53p2p0p7pteetan k./1cte tete
38magniacH45p2p3ppurton z./1tete
45phoenix lightH60p5p4p(22)9pbowman h./13/4 l
510the runnerH86p0p(22)6p8pferraris l./1encolure
63heroic masterH57p4p7p(22)3pchadwick m./1tete
76jumbo legendH50p2p4p2pcurrie l./11/2 l
89compassion spiritH74p4p9p9ppoon m.f./1cte tete
97leslieH56p6p(22)3p1pleung k.c./13/4 l
102gold gold babyH61p0p1p(22)1pho c.y./1cte tete
111you'remyeverythingH67p3p(22)8p8pbadel a./13/4 l
1211telecom spiritH59p(22)0p0pbentley h./13 l 1/2

R2C8plathandicap 27430happy valley1200M208898russell handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 14:15
16gold gold babyH60p1p(22)1p4pho c.y./101:09
25xponentialH82p3p(22)5p2phewitson l./11/2 l
33winning iceyH53p2p(22)6p2pbowman h./1tete
44beauty gloryH57p0p(22)0p0pbadel a./11 l
58red desertH79p(22)7p3p3pteetan k./1encolure
67namjong singsH88p9p(22)4p8pchau c.l./11 l
72heroic masterH54p7p(22)3p1pchadwick m./1tete
810hero starH80p1p(22)3p4ppoon m.f./1tete
99roman turboH60p5p0p(22)0pferraris l./1encolure
101shining gemH80p6p(22)0p5pmaia r./13/4 l
1112eight trigramsH80p8p0p(22)0pmo h.t./12 l 1/2
1211traderH60p0p7p(22)0pyeung m.l./12 l

R5C9plathandicap 29194happy valley1200M208898tin lok handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 14:50
19jolly rulerH5(22)9p0p4p1phamelin a./101:09
28winning iceyH5(22)6p2p3p1pferraris l./1tete
311science patchH77p(22)0p3p1pbadel a./1nez
46bundle of charmH50p(22)3p7p4pteetan k./11/2 l
53armour eagleH61p(22)2p9p4phewitson l./11/2 l
61excellent peersH6(22)2p1p1p2ppurton z./13/4 l
710golden linkH73p(22)3p0p8pleung k.c./1cte tete
812stormtrouperH74p(22)3p6p8pde sousa s./11/2 l
92seizing the momentH7(22)6p6p9p2pbowman h./1tete
104valiant eleganceH70p(22)9p5p1pbentley h./11 l 3/4
117gold gold babyH61p(22)1p4p1pho c.y./1nez
125outgateH4Inéditchung y.l./11/2 l

R2C9plathandicap 30519happy valley1200M208898hip wo handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
19gold gold babyH6(22)1p4p1p1pho c.y./101:09
21beauty chargeH4(22)2p9p1p8pferraris l./13/4 l
310golden linkH7(22)3p0p8p5pleung k.c./1encolure
411stormtrouperH7(22)3p6p8p2pde sousa s./13/4 l
55cobhfieldH5(22)5p0p2p0pteetan k./1encolure
62nicconi countyH5(22)5p4p8p4pbowman h./11/2 l
73heroic masterH5(22)3p1p3ppurton z./1tete
88our lucky gloryM5(22)2p7p3p6pbentley h./11 l
94namjong singsH8(22)4p8p2p8ppoon m.f./12 l 1/2
107lord thunderH6(22)9p0p(21)hewitson l./16 l 1/2
1112summit cheersH6(22)0p0p0p7pmo h.t./12 l 1/2
126happy sharingH6(22)0p0p4p3pchung y.l./13 l 1/2

R2C6plathandicap 31745happy valley1200M136314new zealand handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:10
14gold gold babyH54p1p1p3p0pho c.y./101:09
27allgreektomeH47pmcdonald j./11 l 1/2
33beauty missionH59p8p7p9p4pbowman h./13/4 l
410island surpriseH51p3p2p8p5pde sousa s./1tete
512sixth generationH42p3p6p0p9ppurton z./11/2 l
62mega bonusH51p3p2p0p6pmarquand t./1encolure
75infinite powerH76p9p0p0p0pdoyle h./1cte tete
86fast paceH75p0p9p8p4pkah j./1cte tete
98howdeepisyourloveH33pmoore r./13/4 l
1011sunny and goldH62p1p5p8p1phamelin a./1cte tete
111super dobbinH60p0p5p6p4pteetan k./11 l 1/4
129gem of south chinaH50p3p0pyeung m.l./12 l 1/2

R2C5plathandicap 32858happy valley1200M136314nakayama handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 12:45
15savvy chicH40pde sousa s./101:09
211colonelH65p7p6p8p6pmcneil j./11 l 1/4
34howdeepisyourloveH3Inéditbadel a./13/4 l
42gold gold babyH51p1p3p0p0pho c.y./11/2 l
58nordic combinedH44p0p0p4p8phewitson l./1encolure
610to infinityH49p0p0pwong c./1cte tete
77hardly swearsH83p4p2p7p3pbentley h./11/2 l
812our creedH67p8p3p0p3pyeung m.l./11 l 1/2
91h z tourbillonH53p6p2p7p8pm. chadwick/1nez
106super magicH4Inéditcurrie l./1cte tete
119six best friendsH40p0p0p2p0plai h.w./15 l 1/2
123family strengthH4Inéditferraris l./13/4 l

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